Tuesday, February 28, 2012

I've been busy. . .

. . .working on my next challenge.
After fusing, I love to machine top-stitch everything down using my Walking Foot.

This time I couched some Birch twigs onto the surface too.

I've added some glass beads, after hand quilting with a metallic thread in a few places. The binding helped frame it all in.

I was pretty happy with the results when I was done.
This was an experiment that I am thinking of using to create a series of four tiles. We'll see how the rest go. . .

Saturday, February 25, 2012

. . .and this one lead to the next. . .
My quilting is taking a new direction.

. . .then my friend Kristi gave me a bag of scraps that she otherwise would have thrown away.

The thrill of a new adventure began.

. . .What do you think?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Think Spring. . .

Well, this is about as 'pastel' as I get. Here are three lovely full-sized antique quilts from my collection. The ladder idea came from a Better Homes and Gardens book titled: 'Garden Style Projects'.

Not many people have ladders on the interior walls of their homes, but I liked the idea for hanging quilts. I pulled this ladder out of our yard where it had previously been hanging on the fence displaying bird houses. The paint has aged and peeled just right.

My dear hubby was so gracious when I asked him to attach it to the upper wall of our entry (that's why the funny angle of  the photo). It was a little difficult to get the whole thing in the shot. What do you think?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sweet Heart

A few scraps of red fleece and part of an old woolen skirt. . .sweet! 
Enjoy your Valentine's Day.