Friday, July 20, 2012

New Venture

This week, I joined our local Art Cooperative: The Village Gallery of Arts. 
Here is a quick link to their website: 

I have been thinking about making this commitment for quite some time. 
Membership will provide several different venues to exhibit and sell my work. Participation in gallery responsibilities will bring an opportunity to create in a supportive environment, meet new people and make new friends.
How great is that? 
. . . Something we all need and cherish. 
You can see more of my new work at the gallery beginning in August.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Diane. How very exciting to be part of a cooperative. I'm sorry I just found your delightful blog as I was in Portland at the end of April. Maybe next time our paths will cross? I enjoyed the visit!
    best from Tunisia,
