Thursday, December 20, 2012

December 20, 2012

One hundred twelve Peanut Blossoms!
These are my favorite cookies.
A perfect way to spend the day.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Honoring the pause

This morning we received a light dusting of snow. 
Not too uncommon for the Portland area at this time of year.
I was so happy to see it! 
Yesterday, I had felt a little agitated throughout the day. I didn't sleep well the night before. My cat was restless too. 
Then this morning when I looked out, I saw that  the snow had started.
A feeling of peacefulness has returned.
I love the snow for the very reason that it causes us to give pause to our day, and forces us to rearrange our lists of priorities. I believe that everyone needs this from time to time.
Enjoy your day.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Another year passes

Last night my small quilt group of friends once again celebrated the season with a dinner and quilt reveal.

Dortha graciously hosted our Pot Luck dinner - something that I think she looks forward to every year.

This years' gift exchange was a quilt top for the person whose name we had drawn, 
traditionally pieced in two colors of their choice.
This red and white beauty is what Jeni made for me.
Isn't it wonderful? I just love the color red!

All of the quilts were equally impressive.
 We all had so much fun!
Thank you everyone -
Happy Holidays!